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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why won't my jdbc driver work?
2. How do I change what driver my Objects use?

1. Why won't my jdbc driver work?
The jdbc driver must fully support MetaData calls. Any jdbc driver that conforms to the jdbc specification must support DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData. Check here to see if your driver is certified by Sun.

2. How do I change what driver my Objects use?
Cartographer generates a base abstract class (DBObject) that all of your data and factory objects extend. The DBObject class implements a getConnection() method that all of the child classes call. If you wish to change the driver or even add your own Connection pooling, you can do so by changing the code in the getConnection() method. Whatever modifications you make, the getConnection() method must still have a return type of Connection.
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Last updated on 04/08/2002, Copyright © 2002 by Andrew Lee.